Cosmetic Botox Treatment Near Me - Berwyn

Botox is a cosmetic procedure that uses botulinum toxin, made up of a cosmetically-approved form of Clostridium botulinum. Botox works by blocking the neuromuscular transmission through decreased acetylcholine release, which temporarily paralyzes the injected muscle and weakens it.

Botox in Berwyn
Frown Lines, Crow's Feet lines, Forehead lines

When Botox is used for cosmetic purposes only small doses are injected to avoid any adverse effects. The procedure itself is simple and short with no pain at all - this makes it one '3S' (simple safe satisfying) surgical treatment for rejuvenation!

Botox in Berwyn
Frown Lines, Crow's Feet lines, Forehead lines

Botox reduces dynamic wrinkles for three to six months or more, depending on patients' unique body chemistry.

  • Botox Injection Areas
  • Frontalis (Forehead)
  • Mentalis (Chin)
  • Corrugator (Between brows)
  • Masseter (jaw muscle)
  • Nasalis (nose)

Botox in Berwyn
Frown Lines, Crow's Feet lines, Forehead lines

Botox in Berwyn
Frown Lines, Crow's Feet lines, Forehead lines

If you’re in Berwyn or surrounding areas, please call our office at 708-484-6847 to get more information about Botox in Berwyn.